With WPPI just a few days away, we wanted to give you a few interesting articles that you can put into practice on your trip out to Las Vegas! We hope to see you there for our photowalk and readers’ breakfast!

Julie Powell kicked off the week talking about using Excire Search to locate landmarks, while Nate Torres gave us eight ways to capture emotion in photographs. Lauri Novak talked about the legacy of photographs, Bryan Esler gave us insight into the latest Photoshop update to celebrate its 30th birthday and Jeremy Gray discussed the value of printing.

Don’t miss our Drowning in Photos event - Drowning in digital chaos with every photo trip? Wave goodbye to the stress of multiple drives and lost images. Discover how to effortlessly sync, organize, and back up all your pictures across every device—sans costly clouds. Join Photofocus and Mylio Photos to transform your photo mess into an organized success. RSVP for game-changing tips on February 9.
Using Excire Search to locate landmarks - Using Excire Search to locate landmarks is quick and easy to do. I tend to travel a lot and I really like lighthouses, but I frequently forget which lighthouse is in which folder within Lightroom Classic. Excire Search promised to get me organized, and it did. Keyword search I tried using the search term lighthouse […]
Adobe celebrates 30th birthday of Photoshop - This morning, Adobe announced a range of updates to Photoshop for both desktop and iPad, to help ring in the software’s 30th birthday. According to Adobe, Photoshop has been around for 10,950 days. The company made note of its involvement in crating visual effects for the movie “The Abyss,” and also marked such innovations as […]
photographic legacy national photography month The legacy of our photographs - The legacy of our photos (and other bits and pieces of our lives) isn’t necessarily something any of us really like to talk about. Because I’m dealing with it personally and creeping up there in age, I’m seeing and hearing more and more of this subject come up in conversations. What do we do with […]
emotional photography Emotional photography: Eight ways to capture feeling in photos - Emotions can be found anywhere in photography, even in landscape photos. However, as a portrait photographer or event photographer, it’s more important than ever to ensure you capture the emotion of the scene. Your clients will be relying on your ability to tell a compelling story through your photographs. Emotional photography is the key to […]
The value of printing your images - Printing your images is a great way to share your digital photography and add a special element to your workflow. In an increasingly digital age, many photographers exclusively share their work online. Whether it’s a personal website, a photo sharing site or Instagram, for many photographers, the only way their work is displayed is on […]

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