This week, Michèle Grenier taught us how to remove redness from cheeks and noses in the new LuminarAI, while Julie Powell presented some great tips on capturing the holiday spirit through food photography.

Sara Kempner walked us through how to expose for the snow, while Jemma Pollari taught us how to make a DIY lens filter for some special holiday-themed bokeh. Finally, Joy Celine Asto highlighted photographer Angelika Ejtel and her creative black and white reflective self portraits.

How to get rid of redness in cheeks and noses in LuminarAI - Looking to get rid of those red cheeks and noses of your subjects during cold-weather outdoor portraits? It’s easy to get rid of unwanted facial redness with the new LuminarAI. 1) Neutralize the red tint The first thing is to neutralize the red tint. What is red’s complementary color? That’s right — green! By adding […]
Capturing the holiday spirit through festive food photos - It’s that time of year again! All thoughts turn to the Holiday Season. Whether that’s Thanksgiving or Christmas, or something else entirely. If it’s festive, chances are there are bound to be friends, family and of course, food. Capture festive food photos with all that sparkles, glistens and shines with a few fantastic ideas below. […]
Give your bokeh Christmas flair with this DIY lens filter - Feeling crafty? This easy lens modifier is a fun one for the holidays and only takes a few minutes to prepare. Bonus: Your kids will love it! I love shooting wide open to capture beautiful bokeh behind my subject: The blurry, out-of-focus blobs that are characteristic of wide apertures. Bokeh takes on the shape of […]
Creative self-portraits reflect the surreal worlds of the soul - I find creative self-portraits to be incredibly tricky to pull off. By that, I mean photos that go beyond the vain, clout-driven selfies that flood social media. I’ve always been impressed with photographers who manage to transform themselves into different characters to tell thought-provoking stories. It’s one thing to use portraiture to build a narrative, […]
Tips for exposing snowy scenes - We’ve all felt the excitement of watching the first snowflakes of the season drifting down from the sky. As photographers, we know that a fresh blanket of snow can present an entirely new perspective on familiar scenes. Photographing in the snow can be a great way to get yourself out of the house while creating […]