With Instagram embracing Reels and turning into TikTok, Vero social media app looks better and better for photographers. And recently, Vero added one more reason.

Trona Pinnacles Milky Way
A cloudy yet glorious evening with the Milky Way at Trona Pinnacles, a photo that is featured on Vero.

A brief look at Vero

In many respects, the Vero app seems like, well, a better version of Instagram. They were initially launched in 2015 as an alternative to Facebook and Instagram. In March 2018, you might remember a surge in popularity. This was fueled largely by the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal in which the personal data of millions of Facebook users were collected without their consent.

Vero’s popularity surged again in September 2022 due to Peter McKinnon discussing it on his YouTube channel, which has 5.82 million subscribers.

What makes Vero good?

Vero has some features that separates them from Instagram and Facebook. They have no ads, no algorithms, a chronological feed, a dark background which is flattering to photos, and are attempting to build a community. 

And now, they’ve added another interesting feature.

Discovery page

Vero social media app screenshot - Discovery icon
How do you, uh, discover the Discovery Page? On your Home Page, press or poke the Compass Icon (I circled this in red here for your convenience because I’m super nice)

Vero recently added a Discovery page. This is an “explore page” that allows you to discover new photographers easily … or be discovered yourself. This too has no algorithms. 

Vero social media app screenshot - Discovery Page
This is a screenshot of the Vero Discovery Page. Here, without algorithms, you can discover new photographers or artists. And they can discover you.

This also seems to be a good sign. With the new surge in sign-ups, the Discovery page is almost a way of rolling out the doormat to new photographers. This means that without ads or algorithms, you can post photos instead of Reels and stand the same chance of people finding you without having enormous followings. This also means that you can discover new artists based on the quality of their work.

Vero social media app screenshot - Discovery
Initially, the Discovery Page defaults to a grid view. However, you can also change it to a List View. Hey, maybe this screenshot will get Paul Thoonen some more followers!

Weary of Instagram

Instagram has basically said that they want to turn Instagram into a digital shopping mall, fill it with ads and focus on videos. If you are discouraged by that, it’s worth giving Vero a shot. They have emphasized having a community as well.

Wonder Valley night photo The End of the World
A long exposure night photo at the end of the world. And yes, I feel fine.

Despite having existed since 2015, Vero still seems like it is developing. But with the features I’ve described above, it feels like they are on good footing. 

I have no plans to drop my Instagram or Facebook account. Even if you are planning on keeping your accounts, Vero offers another platform for you to share your photos and join a community.

Joining Vero

Currently, Vero is free to join. I joined in March 2018 although I have not been active until very recently. Since that time, I have heard that they will eventually introduce a paid subscription model. However, they have not done so yet.

If you wish to connect with me on Vero, please say hello!