With mirrorless cameras are all the rage in the last few years, many long-time DSLR photographers due for an upgrade must be thinking if they should make the switch. I’m sure that includes many landscape photographers. It’s always tempting to go for the latest gear with all the bells and whistles. But, is it really what your work needs? Today’s landscape photography tip offers some answers to that.

In the video above, landscape photographer and educator Attilio Ruffo shares his thoughts on why he would switch to a mirrorless camera, or stay with his trusty Nikon DSLR. It’s a dilemma that he hasn’t settled yet for himself, but his reasons for both camps are worth thinking about. A mirrorless camera may or may not serve your landscape photography needs, even with all its bells and whistles. One thing for sure that even Ruffo himself came to realize is that getting a new camera won’t automatically make you a better photographer. Sure, you can gain the advantages of better dynamic range or increased resolution. But, you won’t take better pictures all of a sudden. 

So, if you’re also stuck in the same dilemma, perhaps Ruffo’s reasons may help you come to a decision. Whichever you choose, make sure that it’s a tool that will best serve your landscape photography needs. 

Don’t forget to check out the Photofocus Community group discussions for more useful landscape photography tips!