If you’re a Lightroom user, you’ve probably come to love the latest updates in masking technology that have been released, (for an overview of these updates, click here). Thanks to AI technology, the ability to select subjects, skies, backgrounds and people is now as simple as clicking a button.

However, there can be times where the AI masking fails to make the selection you’re attempting. Earlier this week, I came across this issue while doing some editing and AI masking couldn’t pick up the person in my scene. I thought I’d share my quick workaround for this issue: using the object selection tool to select people.

The issue: AI doesn’t pick out the person in your image

AI masking

In the above image, I wanted to bring up the exposure on the person in my scene just slightly. I clicked on the Masking Tool, and then “Select People.” As illustrated in the highlighted box, the AI masking technology could not pick out the person in my image.

The fix: Using the object selection tool

Object selection tool

Gone are the days of having to try and use a paint brush to intricately create a mask on your desired subject in Lightroom. Even when the AI technology does not pick up on the person in your scene, you can still make an AI selection using the following steps:

  1. Click on “Create New Mask.”
  2. Click on “Objects.”
  3. Use the paint brush to select your subject. This does not need to be a super precise action, you just need to give the AI technology enough information to know what to select.
  4. Once AI has created your mask, edit as desired.
Object selection tool masking
When painting a mask over your person, you do not need to be super precise.
object selection tool masking people
AI technology will take care of doing the precise selection for you.

Using the Object Selection tool to select people can be a quick way troubleshoot when AI technology fails to select them. Give it a try next time you come across this issue in Lightroom and see if it works for you!