Lightroom Mobile for Android and iOS makes working away from the desktop a great deal easier. Theres a great deal you can do with the software but, for me at least, the best feature is being able to rate your images from the comfort of your easy-chair, train, or on location.

To use this feature you’ll need Lightroom on a desktop or laptop and a Creative Cloud account. Theres a great value Photographers Creative Cloud package if you don’t want the full works.

Synching Your Images

With Lightroom running, head up to the top of the screen and next to the Boiler Plate (Ive changed the default to have my name) and a down facing arrow appears, click this and make sure that Sync with Creative Cloud is On (1) and that youre are signed into the Creative Cloud (2)

Select the Collection you would like to synchronise and click the double ended arrow;

Lightroom Mobile

With Lightroom Mobile open on your mobile device and you are signed in your synchronised folders and collections will be shown on the main screen. Open a selection by tapping on it. Tap an image to open it.

It is here that you can rate your images. At the bottom of your screen you can choose either to give your image a start rating or to flag them.

Star Rating

Once selected its just a case of running out finger up to add stars of down to reduce them.

Flag It

Selecting to flag images in the bottom left will mean that your up and down motion will scroll through various flags for your image;


If youre on an internet or Wi-Fi connection then you’ll see the ratings and flags updated immediately in Lightroom, if youre not, then as soon as you are Creative Cloud will sync for you.