Every once in a while we need to feed our souls.

We need to take care of ourselves in order to continue creating images. You know that feeling sometimes when you just arenā€™t feeling creative. Maybe you donā€™t even have the urge to pick up the camera.

Just as we need to feed and nourish our bodies, itā€™s important to feed our souls. Photography is a great way to do just that.

Here are five ways photography can feed your soul.

1. Spend time in nature

This has been proven again and again. Being in nature, among trees and getting fresh air refreshes you. Hiking and walking the paths at a local forest preserve, park or gardens will make you feel better. Bringing your camera with you can help you focus on something besides everyday life, bills, appointments, the laundry, etc.

2. Be still and take in the beauty

Before you start pressing that shutter button, just be still. Close your eyes, breathe and when you open your eyes, see the beauty around you. Spend some time just relaxing, find a nice quiet place to sit and photograph what you can find that appeals to you from that spot.

3. Create

Just create. What catches your eye? Create images of subjects you donā€™t consider your typical genre of photography. Let your eye roam and find creative compositions. Where do you see magic?

4. Slow down

Feeding your soul is easier if you slow down. Same with creating better images. Slow down. Find the right composition, take in everything you see in the frame and then look again. Slow down and really see what is going on around you before you click that shutter.

5. Play will make your soul sing

Be childlike and play. Try multiple exposure or intentional camera movement techniques. Let go and just see what happens. Make a game of finding images. Choose a fun theme and only shoot scenes you find that fit that theme. Relax, donā€™t worry about creating portfolio images. Just play.

What are some other ways photography feeds your soul? We’d love to hear more ideas. Share them in the Photofocus Community.