Daily themes in photography have been a great way to bring focus to my work and that of many other photographers I know.

Why participate in daily themes?

Having a subject matter to already focus on can help motivate us to pick up the camera and create an image (or several). Maybe it isn’t your typical genre, but it still gets you out there creating.

Sharing is a great way to be inspired. Since we all have different views and ways of thinking, coming up with out-of-the-box ideas for a theme helps us all start thinking beyond the typical image we might create. This can help us all get and be a little more creative.

Themes can help you figure out what you enjoy photographing. And, what you don’t. This is a great way to hone in on what you truly love to photograph.

daily themes
Reflections Thursday

Where to find daily themes

There are plenty of photography themes that get posted in private groups, on social media and on photo-hosting sites like Flickr. Follow hashtags on Instagram or Twitter as well.

Join the Photofocus Community. We have four daily themes per day you can participate in.

daily themes

Benefits of participating

One of the biggest benefits is the interaction with fellow photographers. It’s fun to connect with others who have not only photography in common but possibly other interests that are shown in the images that are posted for themes.

It is a fun way to experiment. Many times you’re not going to be creating images that will go into your portfolio. That means trying things you’re curious about. Whether it’s techniques and settings you’re unfamiliar with or learning new post-processing options. Give it a go and have fun with it.

swing ride Navy Pier daily themes
Friday Fun

Create your own themes

If you don’t feel confident enough yet to join in with a group of other photographers, create images for themes for your eyes only. Create a time frame to play and go back after that period of time to see your improvement.

paper folded daily themes
Shadow Light Sunday