Lots going on during the dog days of summer here at Photofocus.

Photoshop becomes more fun with the Logickeyboard in a Levi Sim review. Julie Powell riffs on fractal prism filters for portraits. Mykii Liu praises Lightroom Classic’s GPU upgrade — FINALLY! Lauri Novak tells us to use what’s on hand as backgrounds, then, Chris Anson shows how to add storage capacity while still accessing your data. Hope your week was fun. Stay cool as you can…

Logickeyboard provides quick shortcuts at your fingertips - It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you want to improve your workflow, but a new keyboard can be a significant upgrade. Logickeyboard makes keyboards and keyboard covers that can help you work more efficiently by learning the keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop and Lightroom. I’ve been using the ALBA keyboard […]
Lightroom CC GPU Acceleration Adobe adds GPU acceleration to Lightroom Classic — FINALLY - It feels like more than decade since Adobe had launched Lightroom (now known as Lightroom Classic), and it feels even longer since we’ve asked for better software support to take advantage of our hardware … well, that’s because it has been 12 years. GPU Acceleration was added back in 2015, but it didn’t provide much […]
Adding hard drives to a Drobo 5D3 - Drobo sent me a 5D3 direct-attached storage (DAS) unit for me to explore and play with and I wanted to share with you what I discovered. First, the 5D3 has five 3.5″ drive bays which means I can put five hard drives into it. It also has two Thunderbolt 3 / USB-C ports for connecting […]
macro seashell Using what you have on hand as backgrounds - Backgrounds are easy to create. Honest. Many times I hear people say they can’t take certain images because they don’t have the tools, equipment or gear they think they need. My reply to them? Be creative, be like MacGyver! Use what you have, and there are almost always ways to figure out how to do […]
Using fractal prisms to create otherworldly winter portraits - Some time back, I did this fabulous Winter Wonderland creative portrait session after being inspired by fellow writer and photographer Jason Hahn’s Snow Scene. We wanted to shoot in the studio and not outdoors, but I still wanted that ‘blanketed in soft snow look.’ Behind the scenes Shot in the studio, I used a white backdrop […]