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Photographer of the Day: Pierre Pichot

One of the most powerful aspects of photography is its ability elicit emotions in us.  But, our emotions can also change how we perceive an image. The first time I saw the Pierre Pichot’s photo “Ghost_19” I thought, “Cool, that has a great dark mood, it’s kinda creepy”. The next time, “It seems very melancholy, I wonder who that is and what they are thinking”.  The next time, “It feels like there is a sense of foreboding, like something bad is about to happen”. Each time I saw something different, because I was feeling something different before I looked at the image.  The photographer has created a scene where it conveys a dark mood, but they have left enough to our imaginations for us to dream up a story. It is a powerful image, because it engages us, drawing on our emotions to complete the scene.

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