If you’re like me, then you love using photo prompts to inspire beautiful photos of your clients. And if you’re also like me, you love a quick way to spark ideas! Let’s check out how Excire Foto can be used with your own library of photos as an idea generation tool.

Excire Foto is an AI engine which automatically sorts your images according to content and the photography style detected in the image. It’s a powerful, fast piece of software that requires zero human input to tag images with keywords for quick searching.

There are so many ways that Excire Foto can be used. From culling photos based on expressions (it has the power to filter photos based on whether people are smiling or not, looking at the camera or not, and more), to searching your back catalog of photos to use in new projects, the applications are endless.

I write about photo prompts on my blog, the Promptographer Guide, and I loaded my library of inspiration images into Excire Foto to use its AI engine to quickly generate a mood board for clients using my own images.

How long does it take Excire Foto to process photos?

My photo prompt idea library currently contains 268 photos, and it took Excire Foto under a minute and a half to process and automatically keyword my images.

Excire Foto ingestion window
It took just under 90 seconds to ingest over 260 photos into my Excire Foto catalog

That’s pretty quick! I am not one of those amazing, meticulous people who keywords every image they edit (you glorious gods, you) so Excire Foto is something of a game-changer for me in this regard.

Create a mood board using the hierarchy in Excire Foto to browse by content

The main fun of Excire Foto happens in the right-hand sidebar, where the keyword hierarchy shows how many photos have been tagged with each keyword.

I’m shooting a wedding in a few days’ time, so let’s check out what ideas I already have in my back catalog of photos.

The hierarchy is divided into Content and Photography. Content keywords use AI to detect what the photo contains, whereas Photography detects the photographic qualities of the images.

Screenshot of Excire Foto keywords
The entire keyword hierarchy in Excire Foto is automatically generated, with keywords AI-detected and attached to photos on import.

I can jump into Event then Wedding and it brings up 21 photos in my catalog that Excire Foto has tagged Wedding. I can narrow that down to the Bridal Couple keyword, or just the Bride keyword.

By selecting and right-clicking I can add all my favorites to a custom Collection. I’ll use these to create a mood board for the job that I can share with my clients (more on sharing later).

Screenshot of Excire Foto add to collection
Create a custom collection in the left side bar and then photos can be easily added from searches or keyword browsing.

Under the keyword Other, then Romantic, there’s a heap of great photo inspiration to save for my mood board.

Screenshot of Excire Foto keywords
Browsing the content hierarchy brings up heaps of inspiration from my own back catalog of photos.

There is so much power in this Content hierarchy. Why not check out Person, Age, Baby / Toddler next time you have a family photoshoot scheduled? You could create a mood board for specific clients or events, or by type of session, all drawing on your own photos as inspiration.

Screenshot of Excire Foto keywords
Excire Foto uses AI to classify people in images by age.

Browsing photos using the Photography keywords in Excire Foto

The Photography half of the keyword hierarchy is another great source for inspiration.

Screenshot of Excire Foto keywords
The Bokeh keyword in the Photography hierarchy brings up anything with a short depth of field.

Low-key is extremely popular at the moment, so checking out my photos tagged Dark I can find heaps of great inspiration for after dark at the wedding reception.

Screenshot of Excire Foto keyword dark
The Dark keyword is a great source of low-key inspiration.

Another favorite of mine is the silhouette, so more of those go into my mood board collection. Remember, right-click and add to your custom collection to save those images for later use.

Screenshot of Excire Foto keyword silhouette
Excire Foto automatically detects if a photo contains a silhouette.

The final step to create a mood board: Sharing images in Excire Foto

Now that I have grabbed some inspiration for my wedding clients, I can bring up all my collected images by clicking the collection name. I want to share these with my clients as a mood board, and this is easily done with Excire Foto.

The first time you share, you’ll need to set up sharing in the Preferences menu. Hit File, then Preference, then Sharing, and follow the prompts to connect your Dropbox or Google Drive account. You only need to do this once.

Screenshot of Excire Foto sharing preferences
Excise Foto works with Dropbox or Google Drive to share custom collections of photos.

Right-click the collection and select Share, then wait for the photos to upload.

Screenshot of Excire Foto share submenu
Sharing Collections is as easy as a right-click!

Once done, I have a link ready to share with my clients, and our mood board is ready to go in my Google Drive.

Screenshot of Excire Foto share confirmation
The share confirmation dialogue has the link ready to go, for sharing with clients, your second shooter, or whoever else needs to see your mood board.

Depending on your process, you could have clients add their own must-haves to the folder, or use it as a planning tool at your pre-wedding meeting.

Google Drive automatically sub-folders the upload by date when the Excire Foto integration is set up.

Excire Foto makes it easy to trawl your own photos for inspiration

I love how easily I can make a mood board out of my own photos using Excire Foto. All with no time-consuming effort on my part. Win-win!