This is the last full week of 2019. We usher out the year with articles on the iPhone, what to do with that new camera and more. Happy almost new year.

A guest post from TheDigitalStory podcast creator Derrick Story on Capture One as an alternative to Lightroom. Chris Anson reveals how to make shaky videos stable. Managing Editor Bryan Esler starts a series on that new camera you received for Christmas, then Nate Torres has some simple tips for making better iPhone photos. Finally, I review Epson’s FastFoto scanner.

Is Capture One Pro 20 a viable alternative to Lightroom? - (Editor’s Note: We welcome this guest post from Derrick Story, creator of TheDigitalStory Podcast. Derrick is a writer, photographer, teacher and podcaster. You can follow his weekly shows on, as well as read his blog posts, check out his workshop schedule and find links to his social accounts, including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. TheDigitalStory show […]
Stabilizing iPhone video in DaVinci Resolve 16 - In this video, I’m going to show you how I stabilize my iPhone footage in DaVinci Resolve 16 (DR16). With DR16 open, I’ll create a new project, drag and drop the video from a Macintosh folder into DR16, create a timeline and then show you the variations for stabilizing. They will include Perspective, Similarity, and […]
Even curled or sticky Polaroids were able to be scanned by the Epson FastFoto FF-650W. In-depth review: Epson’s wireless print/Polaroid scanner - During the early part of my career, I made Polaroid test photos of practically every shot I made commercially on film. I saved 6,000 of them, more or less. Some were flat, some curled while some of them had black tape on them leftover from identifying film sent to the lab. There were bags and […]
You’ve got a new camera. Now what? Part one - So you were one of the lucky ones this year who got a new camera for Christmas. Now what? One look at that several hundred-page manual in front of you can be enough to send you to the loony bin. Where do you start? Below are a few things that really helped me when I […]
Mobile Mondays: Seven ways to take great pictures with your phone - Photography has changed quite a bit since the days of our grandparents’ driving down to the local drugstore with their rolls of film from the most recent holiday or vacation. Now that everyone has a high-resolution camera in their pocket, the art of photography has become more accessible than ever. But phone cameras have clear […]

Want a new camera? Enter the Photofocus celebrates 21 contest series.