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Panorama scroll carousel posts on Instagram started appearing somewhere in 2020, and until recently there were not a lot of options for Android users to create them easily. Now, Caro Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker is available to create these elegant, engaging posts for your Instagram.

Panorama carousel posts look like this post. Here’s another example with a bit more text. They give the illusion of one long image that you scroll along, by cutting up a panorama image into smaller pieces. Usually these pieces are 4:5 or 1:1 aspect ratio, but you can do it with landscape ratios too.

panorama scroll carousel post on Instagram
Create a panorama scroll carousel post on Instagram like this one using Caro. The image is automatically cut up for you in the app.

By cropping one long panorama strip into 4:5 or 1:1 pieces, you can utilize the standard Instagram Post type with multiple images to give the effect of one long image being strolled side to side. It’s a really cool way to show of your images, lay out text, or a combination of the two.

Apple options for making these have been around for a while but the Android landscape has not been so lucky. Caro Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker by justapps is an app available on Android and Apple. I discovered it this week and it really does a great job!

As I mentioned above, these posts are created using a gallery of images: Essentially, one long image laid out to your liking and then cut up into same-size pieces. It’s possible to do this in Photoshop but it’s time-consuming and fiddly. It’s also easy to get wrong and ruin the whole effect, because you have to be spot-on with your aspect ratios to get the scrolling sideways effect that sets this post technique apart.

How to create a panorama scroll carousel post on Instagram using Caro Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker

It’s quick and easy to create a panorama scroll carousel post on Instagram using Caro. Start by choosing your template from the library. Note that some are premium (Caro+) only but there are a couple scattered across the different themes that are free to use. You can save your favorite templates to your profile using the heart button.

Open the template and click on the first image frame. You can choose images one at a time, or all of them for the whole layout at once.

Once you have the images in place, switch them around as needed by dragging and dropping until the layout looks perfect.

How to use Caro+ Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker to create a seamless carousel for Instagram.

Double-tap on text to update it. You can change font, color, etc. – all the usuals you’d expect. A bonus that Caro gives to both free and premium Caro+ users is the ability to save custom color palettes in your account brand kit. Caro+ users add to this the ability to save brand logo and more than two colors in the kit.

Grabbing a color by its hex code is only possible by saving it to the brand kit. There’s an eyedropper and HSL style slider, as well as a built-in color selection as well in the design module.

How to crop panorama into sections for the carousel post

Once your layout is complete, click Preview to view how the post will look. Choose Carousel when prompted and then the Save button to save the cut-up images to your phone.

Post them in the correct order on Instagram and your carousel post is done!

How to create a video with Caro Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker

You can also now save your panorama layout as a video instead, using Caro. When previewing, select Video, and you’ll be able to choose the length of the video before saving it to your phone. This is a great way to create beautiful Reels or Stories of your photos.

Example of a video made with Caro+ Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker for posting on Instagram — perfect for Stories and Reels.

Is Caro Panorama Scroll Carousel Maker worth buying when you upgrade to Caro+?

Caro is free to use but with only a limited selection of templates. On the free version you can create your own layouts, but the built in ones are really where the app shines. They are so easy to use, look great out of the box, and you’ll be done and ready to post so fast.

You can upgrade to Caro+ within the app and it’s one of the few apps I’ve seen recently that is still doing lifetime payments – one-time purchase and the app with all its templates are yours. At time of writing, the lifetime cost is approx. US$27 on Android, and that is a great deal for this powerful tool.

There’s few apps for Instagram (even Instagram itself now you can subscribe to Meta Verified…) that give such bang for buck. In my opinion Caro+ is worth the investment.

And a bonus Instagram tip: Links (plural!) in bio is now a thing

A bonus Instagram tip for you: Did you know Instagram now allows more than one link in your bio? (I didn’t!) This new feature has just been released. For years to get a list of links in your bio you’d have to use a 3rd party tool like lnk.bio (e.g. like mine for my blog) or linkin.bio or linktr.ee to get all the clickables you need into your bio.

instagram multiple links in bio
Instagram now allows multiple links in bio, which will make it easier to showcase all the things you do online.

Not anymore. Instagram now supports this natively. Maybe it’s another strategy to keep Instagram traffic on Instagram? It’ll be interesting to see how the link in bio tools adapt to this addition, but for now, I think it’s good news that you can showcase more of your web world in your Insta one.