This week we’re getting to know community member, Christina Shirley. Christina enjoys being able to capture whatever it is that catches her eye.

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How did you get started in photography?

“I started in photography when I had my first child. Her image went onto a LOT of film, and not all of it was any good! I transitioned into digital four years later when my son was born. Now that they are grown, I pretty much shoot whatever catches my eye.”

What was your first camera?

“My first camera was a 35mm Minolta XG-1.”

Who is one photographer that inspires you and why?

“Clark Little inspires me … because he boldly goes into the ocean with his gear (I’d die!!) and returns with images that demonstrate the absolute power, wonder and beauty of nature. The beauty and uniqueness of the waves that he turns out inspires me to be more creative with my photography. The sky really IS the limit for creativity.”

What’s the first thing you look for in composing your image?

“I will decide where my subject fits into the rule of thirds in the frame, and then I will determine how best to break the rule of thirds to give my subject depth and difference.” *evil laughter*

Join Christina and others in the Photofocus Community!

If you’d like the opportunity to be featured like Christina, join the community here. More than that though, it’s a great place to meet other photographers, share images and talk about all things photography.