One of your goals as a photographer should be to develop your own way of seeing and interpreting the world through the lens, whatever the genre. This visual signature will allow you to take photos that viewers will eventually identify as distinctly yours. Today, let’s take a look at some tips on how to find your own style in street photography.

In the video above, we have Jeff and Sarah Ascough sharing five things you can do to find and develop your own distinct style of street photography. They explain how inspiration, personality, staying local, not shooting for likes, and asking for others’ input all enable you to make this happen. For example, instead of merely copying the style of your favorite photographers, find inspiration in seeing the world through your own eyes. Embrace your personality and let it shine through in your photos.

Do you agree on all the suggestions mentioned above? Do you have more tips to add for developing your distinct street photography style? Share them with us in the comments below, or in our group discussion if you’re already part of the Photofocus Community!