Have you ever had spent hours looking for that photo you took that time in France, or on a family vacation? If you are like most of us, the answer is yes. If so, then the Map feature built into Mylio Photos may be the solution you have been looking for.

If you have never heard of Mylio, it is an image manager that places all of your photos, from all of your devices right at your fingertips. Mylio incorporates images from your laptop, desktop, tablet and cell phone and places them in a library that is accessible from all of your device, anywhere in the world.

Find images based on location

There are tons of features built into Mylio, but today I wanted to talk about the Map feature. This feature is a handy way of finding images you have taken based on location.

Many modern cameras have the ability to tag photos with GPS data. Your cell phone and tablet have this built in. Many cameras do as well and ones that do not sometimes just need to be paired with an app on your cell phone.

While it isn’t always a good idea to tag your images with GPS data, it is a great idea when on vacation or taking a landscape at an incredible location. If you do tag your vacation and travel images with GPS data, using Mylio can help you find them in a snap.

How to use Mylio’s Map feature

To access your GPS tagged photos, simply click on Map in the top tab of the Mylio app. This will bring up a map with all of your tagged photos from all over the world.

Areas with photos will be flagged with a thumbnail from your filmstrip. Clicking a flag will bring up all the photos in that area.

If you need to drill down even further, clicking on the Map tab to the right will allow you to filter and drill down the location of your photos.

You can filter by country, then state, then city to quickly find exactly what you are looking for.

Once you click in a location, your photos will appear in a grid. Your photos will be displayed by the date they were taken. As you scroll down the date will appear to the right so you know exactly where you are in the library.

Once you have located the photo, you can quickly tag it or share it. If you choose to share it, Mylio will present you with a variety of options including email, exporting, printing and watermarking. This is a huge time saver and worth checking out. If that wasn’t enough, it’s just plain fun to see where you have been.