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I recently purchased a light pad. Nothing expensive ā€” I just needed something to start photographing the massive amount of slides I have. My old slide scanner is so slow and I wanted to try using the DSLR method. Ever since I purchased it Iā€™ve had other ideas about how to use it, but haven’t had time to get my camera out. So I grabbed my smartphone instead.

Use your phone to map out ideas

Today, I decided to play with my phone first. I did not want to pull out my tripod, camera, set up the light pad, get out all the rest of what I think I need to create this project.

Enter my smartphone camera. Sometimes itā€™s just quicker and easier to use. I put the light pad down on my desk, grabbed the flowers, plants and leaves that Iā€™ve been saving and got started photographing.

Save yourself some time

Using my phone helped me get a general idea of how and if this will work in a matter of minutes. I could easily and quickly move from one idea to the next. Call me lazy, but itā€™s much easier to just move around with your phone than the DSLR and tripod.

By using my phone, I was also able to determine other angles that may be a bit more difficult with a tripod and larger camera. Doing this ahead of time gets my brain engaged to start thinking about how I can make that work later. This saves me time when Iā€™m actually doing the shoot.

More freedom can equal more creativity

Sometimes, when using my phone I donā€™t think so much about the fact that it is still a camera. That means the technical aspects donā€™t matter and it becomes much more about the creative process. I feel more of a flow with moving from one composition to another.

My mindset is that of creating, not worrying about if my shot is technically correct.

Create rough drafts with your phone

Consider this a first or rough draft. Just as writers map out ideas, dancers block out steps and painters sketch out an underdrawing before they start painting, using our mobile phones can help us sketch out our photography ideas. Creating a study of our subject before we jump in to create our art can be very simply done with our mobile cameras.

Photography isn’t any different from other art forms. We have endless ideas that need to be written down and mapped out. Being able to have the capability to do this within the palm of our hands allows us the freedom to play more and continue to imagine endless possibilities.

For more tips and information on mobile photography, check out more of our Mobile Monday articles.