You’ve got to smile or you might cry with the past year of physical distancing. While many things were taken away, Covid-19 gave me new opportunities that would not otherwise have happened.

Below I’ll share how I was able to deal with last year in a positive way. I call this my Covid-19 vacation because it got me out of my usual rut. Remember a rut is nothing more than a groove that has gotten deeper that makes it hard to get out.

Boondocking, aka car camping

First thing I did. I set up my car as a boondocking vehicle. I built a shelf, cooking table and a way to quickly put up some shade. A plastic tub contains all my cooking kit and another holds my clothes and personal goods. Add an ice chest, water container folding chair and table and I’m good to go.

As a result, I’ve been able to travel without worrying about hotels or restaurants. Sleeping and prepping food allowed for getting off grid to spend some time making images. And, only making images with no distractions.

Imperial Desert in California from a three-day trip, which included plenty of physical distancing.

Technology rules

Embrace technology. I pushed my learning to new levels attending and presenting programs online. There were lot of things that I had put off learning or practicing before Covid-19 came to call because I was ‘too busy.’ I no longer had that excuse and these learning opportunities became challenges.

I worked to move my Photoshop skills up a couple notches. I put together programs to teach what I learned to other photographers. If you ever really want to learn a subject, teach. In teaching you have to learn a subject extremely well. That cements the knowledge for you!

Teaching online classes helped me to cement all the new techniques I have pushed to learn over the last year. I also became an Ambassador for the Platypod MAX and Ultra camera mount system. I have come to think of it as MacGyver thinks of his Swiss army knife, really handy in a pinch.
Of course, where would we be without ZOOM meetings and presentations.

Getting creative

I worked to leverage technology to earn money while staying safe. I reset my studio to photograph artwork for art reproduction. I organized my office to look professional in order to present programs to photography groups. This included upgrading my microphone, background and cameras. I

wrote lots of articles for,, photography magazines and other outlets. This made me research photo-centric subjects. It pushed me to learn more (see previous) while keeping my name and face front and center in the photo industry.

Worked extra with my Fotopro Eagle E-6L tripod in capturing landscapes. I became an Ambassador for Fotopro which is good news for you. I can share shooting ideas and get you a discount; email [email protected] for more details.

Pushing technology

Leveraging new tech even more. With studio income down I found a way to make professional headshot portraits through the web for people across the country.

I take over their phone, direct them and download the images to my computer. I extract and retouch the subject and place them in the background of their choice. It’s an answer to physical distancing and still servicing client needs.

Personal projects

Looked in my own neighborhood for practice. Working with the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III and the Pro Capture Mode to get better avian behavior photos.

I guess ultimately I’ve found assigning myself ‘personal projects’ help keep me motivated and activated even during the best of times. Personal projects, and finding a way to leverage them into income, is how I built, and continue to grow in the photo biz. Let me know what you have done to improve your life amid the challenges!

Yours in Creative Photography, Bob