As with any type of portraiture, senior portraits don’t have to be static. You can easily make them more interesting and dynamic by incorporating a bit of movement. They are also great for adding variety to a senior session. Got a shoot planned soon and could use some ideas? We’ve found just the senior portrait tip for you.

In the video above, South Carolina-based Leslie Kerrigan of Seniorologie shared her go-to poses for adding movement to senior portrait photos. First, she reminds us that the shooting location should have enough room for your seniors to move around. It will also allow you to correctly demonstrate the movements to your models in between poses. You can also use many of these posing tips to your other portrait projects, so they make great additions to your go-to techniques.

Have you tried any of the suggestions in this senior portrait tip? Share it with us in the comments below, or in our portrait photography group discussions if you’re already part of the Photofocus Community!