RootsTech 2024, the largest genealogy event in the world happening right now, popped on my radar recently. It’s a conference and service built around what everyone reading or viewing Photofocus cares about: family memories!

We all get asked about our families and where we came from. I grew up saying we are Irish and German simply because that is what my parents told me! I have no real idea or proof of that claim, which is why RootsTech caught my interest. Now, I’m on a mission to dig deeper through my family photos.

When my parents passed the basement, the attic was full of boxes upon boxes of pictures, many totally ruined by the dampness and the elements. Today, however, our family photos are now all digital. We all have pictures in cameras, in old cards, and tucked in drawers and various containers. Drives are certainly no longer connected to anything. I‘m being honest with you; I have dozens of them, and probably half have family photos not downloaded or backed up.

Mylio Photos, which I now use daily, best serves this situation. It’s also a perfect tool to use if family history research interests you! If you want to try attending conferences like RootsTech and avail of their genealogy services, having family records like photos and documents will come in handy. So, keep those family memories organized and within your reach anywhere you go with Mylio Photos!

Photo by Jemma Pollari

Mylio Photos has also partnered with RootsTech for this year’s conference with the fitting theme “Remember.” Whether you’re attending the RootsTech 2024 in person or online, you might also want to take advantage of the ongoing RootsTech Special Offers. Save up to $297 for Individual Plans, up to $740 for Concierge Plans and up to $689 for Family Plans!

Ready to keep your family memories organized? Here are a few ideas on how to get started and what you can do with Mylio Photos: