I have always wanted to make a tiny planet picture but never had the time to learn. Researching YouTube videos sometimes leads me into a dark spiral that just makes me more confused when I am trying to learn something. The 5DayDeal Photography Bundle, on the other hand, lead me straight to Colin Smith and Photoshop Cafe, with the Multi-Shot Mayhem course.

I honestly just watched Colin Smith’s 5-minute Photoshop video on how to do this, and within seconds I was trying to change all my images into tiny planets. Now keep in mind I have never done this before — I am not even a landscape photographer and I am not a Photoshop professional either. However, within about 20 minutes of continued practicing, I came up with the three images below all because I watched one video from the 5DayDeal Photography Bundle!

Colin showed me step by step on how to create a tiny planet image. He walked me through using the Polar Coordinates filter in Photoshop and, to be honest, that is something I didn’t even know existed. Once again, no judging here because like I have said previously … newbie at Photoshop. :) I watched one 5-minute video and there are hundreds more. Imagine what magic I could create if I watched five videos! Looks like I know what I’m doing all night.

There is something for everyone in this 5DayDeal Photographer Bundle, and for only $89 you can’t beat it!