Unhappy with the photos you’re getting from your Fujifilm camera? It could be because you’re not getting the colors right. Fortunately, we found some quick tips and tricks to help you fix that and get the best colors on your Fujifilm camera.

In the video above, Samuel Elkins shared his tips to help Fujifilm users get the best colors possible out of their cameras. Elkins, who uses Fujifilm X-T5 and Fujifilm GFX 100S, also noted that he used these tips to create his very own color palette.

Among the topics he covered include film simulations, such as the Provia and Velvia for color photography and Acros for black and white. These, he added, serve as a great base for custom edits on Lightroom. Another is adjusting tonality within the camera settings, which he found allows him to preserve the highlights.

Another important detail is to notice how different cameras read and interpret light. Elkins noticed that the GFX 100S reads differently than the X-T5. So, he notes the different adjustments he needs to make when shooting a scene to ensure balanced, properly-exposed photos.

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