In this video, I discuss the crucial concept of exposure in photography, a foundational element that can significantly impact the outcome of your images. I aim to demystify terms like aperture, shutter speed and ISO, explaining how each contributes to the overall exposure and, consequently, the brightness or darkness of your photos. Understanding how to achieve well-exposed images is vital. Improper exposure can lead to underexposed (too dark) or overexposed (too bright) results. This might not be desirable, especially in professional settings.

Achieving the right exposure in photography involves understanding and manipulating these three settings in harmony. I recommend starting with aperture and shutter speed to set the depth of field and motion capture as desired. Then adjust the ISO as needed to brighten or darken the image without compromising image quality. Utilizing the camera’s metering modes and shooting in manual mode grants full control over these settings, allowing for precise adjustments and creative freedom.