Since lighting is crucial to any type of photography, all of us strive to shoot in the best lighting conditions possible. However, there will definitely be instances when we simply have no choice but to work in dull, overcast light. How do we work in such a less than ideal situation? Today’s featured video comes with a handful of nifty tips and tricks!

As a travel photographer based in the UK, Roman Fox is no stranger to taking photos in boring, overcast light. So, he shares what he typically does to make the most out of the situation. For example, you can experiment with exposure and contrast, overexposing by one or few stops or looking for naturally high-contrast scenes. “A source of light doesn’t always need to be the sun,” he added. Of course, remember that you can adjust everything in post later.

Another easy but effective tip is to look for colorful subjects to make up for the drab lighting. However, be careful to not have too many colorful elements in your frame. Instead, choose one or two vibrant subjects that pop to brighten up your composition or draw the eyes to your shot.

Other tips to try include focusing on composition, shooting in the rain, and shooting in black and white. As a bonus, Fox also shared some of the editing tricks that he typically does to polish his snaps.

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