When you’re shooting fashion and beauty portraits, one of the things that you should pay extra attention to is flattering skin. You can easily do this with a simple change in the backgrounds to match and enhance your model’s skin tone. For fashion and portrait photographer Lindsay Adler, she has two go-to background colors that guarantees great results.

In the video above, she shares some tips and tricks for shooting with her two favorite backdrops: Savage Universal Beige for light skin tones, and Savage Universal Cocoa for darker skin tones. She also walks us through her beautiful studio setup for her portrait shoots, and her techniques for making the most out of these two backdrops. If you’re yet to try using single color backgrounds for your headshots, you’ll definitely be amazed at how versatile her setup can be. Depending on the look you’re going for, you can simply brighten or darken the background using a pair of constant light with umbrellas.

So, if you’re yet to build a collection of portrait backdrops, Adler recommends starting out with these two.

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