There will be a Solar Eclipse (coming to North America) on October 14, 2023. Will you be ready? Perhaps a Kolari 15-stop Filter can help?

Pointing your camera at the sun can be incredibly dangerous for your camera. The bright pointed light from the sun focused through your camera lens can burn a hole straight through your shutter blades. So what do you do if you want to document something like the upcoming solar eclipse? Is there a way to do it without sacrificing your camera? The answer is YES! By using a high-strength ND filter, you can safely photograph the sun without damaging your camera.

The sun is about 15 stops brighter than everything else, so you will need at least a 15-stop ND filter for solar imaging. But be careful—many ND filters don’t cover the infrared spectrum, so your camera might not be fully protected. The Kolari Pro ND filters are optically engineered to be the most neutral filters in both visible and infrared light spectrums. The Kolari 15 and 20-stop ND filters are rated safe for solar imaging. Without a filter, pointing your lens directly at the sun can burn your shutter in 30 seconds or less. Using one of the Kolari 15-stop Pro ND filters, it would take a 100+ day exposure to see the same amount of damage; a 20-stop would take a year-long exposure.

Note: DO NOT look through the optical viewfinder when pointing your camera at the sun, even when using an ND filter, and DO NOT look directly at the sun through an ND filter. These filters are not rated for your eyes so you may burn your eyes! However, it is perfectly safe to use live view.

Check out more tips on photographing the upcoming solar eclipse on the Kolari website.

For more information on the range of Kolari filters, visit their website or YouTube channel.