After comments on a post I wrote about travel disasters and lost items while travelling, I struck up a conversation with reader, Jim Hughes who sadly had these amazing travel photos from 2000 in Paris. But due to incorrect settings on his camera, they are tiny. I asked Jim to send me one and I would see how much I could improve the details and image size using Topaz Labs Giga Pixel AI. What an amazing difference, taking it from 231KB to just under 12MB!

Comparison View in Giga Pixel AI at 6x upscale
Comparison View in Giga Pixel AI at 6x upscale

Here is the final image, although made 1600px for this article’s display.

Final Image upscaled
Final Image upscaled

Looking for your copy of Topaz Giga Pixel AI. Thanks Jim, for entrusting me with this travel photo. It really is fabulous, the possibilities these days.