Ready for another round of creativity and fun photography challenge? For this week’s run of their 52-week Photo Challenge, the folks of SlickPic placed the spotlight on Low Light/Night Photography. In this challenge, your task is to create dramatic and atmospheric images out of scenes with minimal lighting. As they also noted, the genre requires careful consideration of camera settings, such as wider aperture, propping your camera on a tripod to ensure stability. You may even want to get extra creative and do some light painting!

They also advise shooting in RAW format for better post-processing flexibility. So, take advantage of tools such as Radiant Photo, Luminar Neo and Adobe Photoshop to fine-tune your snaps and give them an extra oomph.

Photography challenge details

  • Submissions will be accepted until the end of the day on March 10, 2024. So, if you’re in the mood to flex your creative muscles, there’s still plenty of time to make something nice!
  • Submit 3 images by clicking this link
  • Please submit images in JPEG format and upload photos that are at least 2500 on the long side for the highest quality.

Once you submit your photos, you can review them here:

New to the genre and need help creating those night or low light masterpieces? Check out our previous night photography webinar with Ken Hubbard, night photography FAQ (Part 1 & Part 2) by our resident night photographer Ken Lee, and other night photography resources!

As always, you can ask your friends to join the challenge as well by clicking on the Share button for the album and inviting them to join in. Of course, you can also encourage them to Like and Comment on your submissions!

Submit your Low Light and Night photos now!