The Hasselblad XPan remains one of the most coveted film cameras for its cinematic panoramic photos. However, it’s not so easy to find this camera at an affordable price range. However, there’s actually a bunch of affordable digital alternatives that you can get instead!

In the video above, MPB shares their recommendations to those who want the cinematic panorama look for their photos. Of course, there are some DIY options if you’re really on a tight budget, but these are often clunky and don’t really have a panoramic mode or crop built-in.

They listed down three criteria for the ideal Xpan digital alternative. First, it should be convenient and reliable. It also should have the panoramic crop built-in, so there’s no need for masks, special lenses or an external monitor. Lastly, it should provide real time crop preview.

So, they suggested three cameras that fit this Xpan alternative checklist:

These Hasselblad XPan alternatives are in no way cheap. But, of course, if you grab these Hasselblad XPan alternatives secondhand from platforms like MPB, you’ll be able to get them at more affordable prices.

Do you agree with these suggestions, or do you have other recommendations to add to the list? Share them with us in the comments below, or in our group discussion if you’re already part of the Photofocus Community!