In the mood to experiment with colors in your portrait photography? One way to do this is through colored lights in the studio. There are several ways to achieve this, including a budget option using inexpensive RGB lighting!

In the video above, Jay P. Morgan of The Slanted Lens shared his tips for creating fun pop art portraits using RGB lighting. He started with suggestions for DIY lighting equipment like light stands and the RGB lights themselves. Then, he demonstrated some awesome techniques for creating directional light and separating different colors for your subject and the background. Placement of the colored lights is also very important so they don’t “pollute” each other. This is crucial to making sure that your RGB lights produce vibrant colors on your subject and the background.

Another important detail he covered is how exposure affects the intensity and vibrancy of the color in your portraits. When your colors are also properly isolated from each other, it’s easier for you to control how they look in post. Feel free to experiment to get the vibrant pop art look for your portraits!

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