Virtually anything can be 3D printed these days, so this question seems easy to answer. So, to satisfy our curiosity, maybe it’s better to ask, “How would a 3D printed camera work?” Fortunately, we have an interesting answer from today’s featured video!

The David Imel of The Studio recently received and tested out the ND 6×17 camera. This new 3D printed camera from Noble Designs is essentially a camera obscura that uses medium format film. It also pairs with a smartphone and a Viewfinder app (iOS and Android), so you see what you’re shooting.

After getting back the films from his test shoots, David noticed that while he got a lot of good photos, there were also a handful of frames that had some weird artifacts on them. So, after getting in touch with Angus of Noble Designs, he found out that the filament density of the unit he received was a little bit lower. As a result, some light bled through the camera body and produced some leaks on the film. Angus sent a second unit over and this time, there were no issues!

So, what do you think of this 3D printed camera? Is it something you’d like to add to your photography tool kit? Share your insights with us in the comments below, or in our group discussion if you’re already part of the Photofocus Community!