So, you finally decided on moving up from your smartphone and getting your first camera. With so many choices out there, it can be confusing and intimidating to narrow everything down to just one. How do you minimize the chances of picking the wrong model when buying your first camera?

Roman Fox comes to the rescue with a bunch of tips in the video above. Some of these are straightforward advice that we hear all the time, such as doing your research and not going for the first camera that the salesperson recommends. On that note, when buying your first camera, you don’t need the latest and greatest; you want to start with something that you will actually use a lot.

The Internet offers a vast pool of learning resources on photography gear. But he also suggests being mindful of where you get information from. Avoid short-term and sponsored reviews. Look for people who can provide practical, real-world information based on their long-term use.

Likewise, when buying your first camera, your priority to get one with the right features for your needs. What is it like to use, and what will it be like living with it long-term? Fox suggests taking note of features that will allow you to customize your camera the way you want it, and give you the best shooting experience.

Other considerations he mentioned include lens choice, a helpful community and roadmap, and deals or cashback offers. Finally, once you’ve arrived at your top choice, sleep on it for a few days so you know if it’s really what you want and need.

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