Are you into experimenting with your large format film cameras? You most likely have heard of Instax backs and adapters. If you’re using a Mamiya RB67, for example, there’s the Binstax, a Fuji Instax adapter that lets you shoot Instax Square prints. Curious? Let’s take a look at how it works!

In the video above, Cape Town-based William Sheepskin takes the Binstax around for a scenic shoot to show what this Instax back is capable of. Anyone who shoots with Instax cameras already knows the look it produces. So, the test is more about seeing how far one can push the image quality using a more advanced camera and lens as that of the Mamiya RB67.

But for the unfamiliar, Sheepskin first gave a quick rundown of the parts and features of the Binstax. If you want to know how this contraption attaches to the RB67 and how it looks and feels when paired together, it’s best to pay attention to that part as well.

Based on the stack of Instax Square photos he took, looks like Sheepskin indeed found this adapter a great addition to his RB67. It’s nice to have for taking fun behind-the-scenes photos or portraits on the set, or for giving out to people.

Have you shot with the Binstax or a similar instant film back? Share your experience and results in the comments below, or in our group discussion if you’re already part of the Photofocus Community!