Would you like to take a trip?  In our new series on travel photography we’ll explore the beautiful country of Costa Rica.  We’ll use this scenic Central American country to illustrate many types of photography as well as share lessons learned.  This full course is also available on lynda.com and you can subscribe to watch the entire thing on their site.


Monteverde is one of the most remote regions of Costa Rica, but it’s incredible. It’s this great little mountain town that’s actually founded by (laughs) some folks from the U.S. and Costa Rica, and it’s got a rich history. It’s hard to get to, the roads are incredibly rugged, and the rental car companies will even try to talk you out of going to Monteverde, but I highly recommend it. There’s a great cloud forest there. As such, you need to really sort of know what gear you’re gonna wanna bring because it’s pretty rugged up there and you’re not gonna have a lot of opportunity to go back and get equipment.