Not so long ago, we shared some tips on how to draw inspiration from movies to improve your cinematic photography. Today, we’d like to add more to that with some insights from Oklahoma-based cinematographer Spenser Sakurai.

In the video above, he shared his four tips on creating great cinematic imagery each time. While these are mostly directed towards cinematographers and filmmakers, they will also benefit you greatly if you’re looking into doing some filmmaking on the side.

He breaks down the elements that make up a good shot, with the context that the audience you are creating for are already interested in your story or content. How do you craft an imagery that will keep their attention and interest in your story or message? His answer? First, by thoroughly preparing for it.

Some of these tips on what and how to prepare for a project may already be familiar to you if you’ve been looking around for inspiration and learning resources on cinematic photography. However, it’s still interesting to know how different cinematographers approach these elements in their own way. Whether you’re a fan of this visual style or simply want to create more compelling images, we’re sure you’ll get some ideas and inspiration in this video!